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Meandertale | improfe.stream

Jacek Chmiel & Lara Süß


Jacek Chmiel: Electronics, synthsizer, objects, zither. 
Lara Süß: Voice, objects

Jacek Chmiel & Lara Süß are the collective Meandertale. The two started collaborating in 2019. They are both musicians and visual artists alike and are looking for different artistic forms to express themselves. Mainly, they concentrated on a musical collaboration with special focus on the conscious perception of silence and its framing using minimalistic sounds. They work sensitively with sound fusion, differentiation, as well as with the structuring of time and timelessness. Because of their alternate biographical experiences, the artistic expression they are creating becomes alive.


Lara Süß works with different art forms. She studied music and movement. She is a vocalist, a classical singer and a free improviser and used to perform as an actress as well. Currently, she is a member of different ensembles, such as the poetry ensemble StimmSpiel, and she develops her own music theatre pieces. She performed in many European cities, e.g. Copenhagen, Berlin, Hamburg, Basel, Vienna and Brussels.

Jacek Chmiel is a sound artist, field recordist and improviser playing synthesizers, zither, electronics, singing bowls and objects. His deepest interest in sound is to look for new ways to embed all the possibilities of an ever changing electro-acoustic setup in order to reinvent his way of thinking at every second. Being connected to the time, space and layers created by all the sounds he produces, both as a physical fact and abstract peculiarities, he delivers a strong, yet delicate and touching, musicality. He graduated with an MA degree in jazz guitar, which was followed by living two years in Nepal, where he was the head of the guitar department in Kathmandu Jazz Conservatory. Then he moved to Switzerland and graduated with a MA degree in improvisation in Musik Akademie of Basel studying with Andrea Neumann, Alfred Zimmerlin and Fred Frith.

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